Connect Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server


This article assumes that you have Tableau Desktop installed.


Steps to Take

  1. Open Tableau Desktop
  2. Locate the Server menu in the upper left corner.
    Screenshot: Server menu in top upper left corner
  3. From the Server menu, select Sign in...
    Screnshot: Under Server menu Sign in... is first option
  4. To Sign into the Tableau QA Server use:
    Screenshot: QA server address entered
    To Sign into the Tableau Production Server use:
    Screenshot: Production server address entered
  5. Sign in using your Active Directory username and password. This will be the same username and password you use to log into your computer or email.
    Screenshot: Sign in page
  6. You can verify what server you are signed into by opening the Server menu.
    Screenshot: Sever address displaed under Server menu once connected
  7. After you have signed into the Tableau server you can connect to your Tableau Server data source by clicking on Tableau Server from the Connect menu.
    Screesnhot: Tableau Server option under "To a Server" on left hand side
  8. A workbook will be created and you will be prompted with a list of data sources you have permission to see. Select a data source by clicking on the data source name.
    Note: The name of the server you are using will also be listed at the top.
    Screenshot: Click on datasource name on left column
  9. Once you have selected a data source the field names will populate below.
    Optional: Click on Update Now to see the data in each field
    Screenshots: Field names populate below when data source selected
  10.  You are now ready to click on Sheet 1 and start development.  
    Screenshot: Select Sheet 1 at bottom of page to start developing